The e-visa policy is one of Vietnam's newest policies to attract international tourists to visit and work in the country. This is a big step forward in improving the visa application process and increasing convenience for visitors to Vietnam. In this article, we will learn about Vietnam's current e-visa policy and its highlights.

I. Introduction to Vietnam's e-visa policy

A. Definition and purpose

E-visa is a type of electronic visa issued to international tourists to enter Vietnam. Instead of having to go to a Vietnamese embassy or consulate to apply for a traditional visa, visitors can register and receive an e-visa online. The e-visa policy will be applied from August 15, 2023, Foreigners regardless of nationality and country can apply for a Vietnam electronic visa online.

The purpose of the e-visa policy is to create favorable conditions for international tourists when coming to Vietnam while minimizing procedures and costs for applying for a visa. This also means enhancing Vietnam's appeal in the eyes of international tourists and boosting the country's tourism industry.

B. Benefits and disadvantages

The application of the e-visa policy has brought many benefits to tourists and the country of Vietnam. Some notable benefits of this policy include:

  • Save time and costs: With e-visa, visitors do not need to go to the embassy or consulate to apply for a traditional visa, thereby saving time and travel costs.
  • Convenient and easy: The e-visa application process is simple and easy, requiring only an internet-connected device and necessary documents.
  • Minimize risks: With e-visa, visitors do not need to carry important documents when traveling, thereby minimizing the risk of document loss or theft.
  • According to new regulations issued on August 15, 2023, Vietnam officially extends the deadline for issuing electronic visas (E-Visa) to a maximum of 3 months (90 days) for foreigners.

However, the e-visa policy also has some disadvantages such as:

  • Visitors must have a passport with at least 6 months validity and must meet health conditions to apply for an e-visa.

II. E-visa registration process

A. Conditions and subjects of application

To apply the e-visa policy, visitors need to meet the following conditions:

  • Be a foreign citizen at least 18 years old.
  • Have a passport valid for at least 6 months from entry into Vietnam.
  • Have plane or train tickets to Vietnam.
  • Must meet health conditions to enter Vietnam.
  • Not subject to refusal to enter Vietnam.

B. Registration requirements and process

To register for an e-visa, visitors need to follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website of Vietnam's immigration management agency Click Here.
  • Fill in all personal information and upload necessary documents such as passport, face photo, and full body photo.
  • Pay the e-visa registration fee (25 USD) via online payment methods.
  • Wait for confirmation and receive e-visa via email after about 3 working days.

After having an e-visa, visitors can print out or store the electronic version for use when entering Vietnam.

III. Future development direction

Border control system and payment facilities

One of the significant improvements of the E-Visa policy is the construction of a modern and effective border control system. Using facial recognition technology and personal information, this system helps ensure security and order at entry gates. At the same time, the use of electronic payment also helps strengthen financial management and prevent fraud and money laundering activities in the tourism sector.


Improve travel experiences and analyze data

With the use of technology to digitize administrative procedures, visitors can register for E-Visa quickly and conveniently. This helps create a convenient and comfortable travel experience for travelers. At the same time, collecting and analyzing data from visa applications also helps the government better understand international tourists' needs and travel trends, thereby providing more effective tourism development strategies.


Online customer interaction and support

The application of the E-Visa policy has also opened up many opportunities to interact with and support customers online. With the use of social media channels and mobile applications, visitors can easily contact and receive support from Vietnamese authorities during the process of registering and using an e-visa. This helps create a close connection and enhances Vietnam's reputation in the eyes of international tourists.


Vietnam's current e-visa policy has brought many benefits to tourists and the country. However, to increase attraction and convenience for tourists, the Vietnamese government needs to improve and expand the scope of application of this policy in the future. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen control and security to ensure the safety of tourists when using e-visa. The e-visa policy is a big step in improving the quality of Vietnam's tourism services and making the country an attractive destination in Southeast Asia.