Dong Xuan Market is one of the famous destinations of Hanoi capital, considered the oldest market, and plays an important role in the lives of local people. With unique architecture, special history, and special cultural role, Dong Xuan market has become a destination not to be missed when traveling to Hanoi. This article will introduce this market and interesting things you need to know.



1. General Introduction

Dong Xuan Market was built in the 19th century, at the location of an old market on Hang Ma Street. However, it was not until 1889 that the market was completed and officially named Dong Xuan market. Since then, the Dong Xuan market has gone through many historical periods and has become one of the cultural symbols of Hanoi.

Unique Architecture of Dong Xuan Market

One of the highlights of the Dong Xuan market is its unique architecture. With a combination of French architecture and Vietnamese tradition, this market has a special beauty and attracts tourists from all over.

The market is built in a three-level architectural style, with the ground floor being a place to trade goods, the second floor being a place for storage and the third floor being the living area of the sellers' families. However, currently, only the first two floors remain, the third floor has been converted into souvenir shops and restaurants.

In addition, the architecture of Dong Xuan market is also expressed through curved arches and exquisitely carved pillars. Small details such as lanterns hanging on the dome or decorative paintings on the walls also create a special and colorful space.


2. Special History

Dong Xuan Market is not only an old market but also has special stories and history related to it.

Place of International Trade

Before being rebuilt in the 19th century, this area was once a place for international trade between Asian and European countries. Merchant ships from China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asian countries often land at Hai Phong port and then bring goods to the Dong Xuan market for trading.

A Gathering Place for Crafts

In addition to trading goods, the Dong Xuan market is also a gathering place for traditional Vietnamese crafts. Local people have passed down these crafts for many generations and to this day, Dong Xuan market is still a place where you can find unique and diverse handicraft products.




3. Role in Today's Life

With an important role in Hanoi's history and culture, the Dong Xuan market still plays an indispensable role in today's life.

Diverse Shopping Places

Dong Xuan Market is one of the top destinations for tourists who want to shop for typical products of Hanoi. Here, you can find souvenirs, clothes, accessories, household items, and many other goods at affordable prices.

The place to Enjoy Specialty Cuisine

Not only a place to shop, Dong Xuan Market is also a place to enjoy Hanoi's specialties. Here, you can enjoy street foods such as pho, bun cha, banh cuon, and many other dishes with rich and diverse flavors.


4. Dong Xuan Market is like a Living Cultural Museum

Not only is it a regular market, Dong Xuan Market is also considered a living cultural museum of Hanoi.

Museum of Traditional Crafts

At Dong Xuan Market, you can find stalls displaying and selling traditional Vietnamese handicraft products. These products are not only beautiful but also have deep cultural meaning. This is also a place for visitors to learn more about traditional Vietnamese crafts.

Museum of Local History and Culture

Dong Xuan Market is also a place where you can learn more about the history and culture of Hanoi. Here, there are stalls displaying and selling typical products of the region, such as ao dai, conical hats, fans, and other decorations. This is also a place for you to learn about the unique features of Vietnamese national culture.


5. Challenges and Opportunities in the Modern Age

In the modern era, the Dong Xuan market is facing many challenges such as competition from supermarkets and large shopping centers. However, this also brings opportunities for local people to develop their businesses and preserve the cultural identity of the market.

Online Business

To cope with competition from supermarkets and shopping centers, many sellers at the Dong Xuan market have switched to online business. Thanks to that, they can reach more customers and sell all over the world.

Preserving Cultural Identity

Despite facing many challenges, the Dong Xuan market still retains its unique cultural identity. Traditional handicraft products and Hanoi specialties are still sold here, helping visitors learn and experience Vietnamese national culture.


6. Painting Life at the Market

Dong Xuan Market is not only a place to shop and enjoy food, but also a place where you can experience a colorful painting life.

Art Wall

At Dong Xuan Market, there is a large wall called Phung Hung Mural Village, hand-painted by local artists with colorful and meaningful paintings. This is a place for you to take photos and save memorable memories when coming to Dong Xuan market.

Beautiful Photography Angles

In addition to the art wall, Dong Xuan Market also has many beautiful and unique photography corners. From small streets to booths displaying goods, you can find unique photography angles and create beautiful photos to keep memories of your trip.




7. Comments from Tourists and Locals

Dong Xuan Market is not only loved by tourists but is also a place where locals can find typical products and enjoy delicious dishes.

Reviews From Visitors

With unique architecture, special history, and diversity in shopping and cuisine, the Dong Xuan market has attracted many visitors from all over the world. They appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of the market, as well as the enthusiasm and friendliness of the sellers here.

Comments From Locals

For local people, Dong Xuan market is not only a place to shop and do business, but also a cultural symbol of Hanoi. They are proud of this market and are always ready to introduce visitors to its features.



Dong Xuan Market is one of the destinations not to be missed when coming to Hanoi. With unique architecture, special history, and an important role in the life and culture of the city, the Dong Xuan market has been attracting many tourists and local people. Despite facing many challenges, the Dong Xuan market still retains its unique cultural identity and has many opportunities for development in the future. Dong Xuan Market is not only a place to shop and enjoy cuisine, but also a living cultural museum of Hanoi.